An ice shelf is a thick platform of ice that forms at the grounding line of a glacier, where the glacier meets the coastline.
Year: 2016
Photographer: Peter Prokosch
An ice shelf is a thick platform of ice that forms at the grounding line of a glacier, where the glacier meets the coastline.
Year: 2016
Photographer: Peter Prokosch
Sea ice is simply frozen ocean water. It forms, grows, and melts in the ocean. In contrast, icebergs, glaciers, ice sheets, and ice shelves all originate on land.
Year: 1991
Photographer: Peter Prokosch
Sea ice is simply frozen ocean water. It forms, grows, and melts in the ocean. In contrast, icebergs, glaciers, ice sheets, and ice shelves all originate on land.
Year: 1991
Photographer: Peter Prokosch
The ice in glaciers has been under enormous pressure for eons. The compression eliminates air and reflective surfaces within the ice.
Year: 2014
Photographer: Peter Prokosch
Sea ice is frozen seawater that floats on the ocean surface. It forms in both the Arctic and the Antarctic in each hemisphere’s winter, and it retreats, but does not completely disappear, in the summer.
Year: 2015
Photographer: Peter Prokosch
Seal hunting (mainly on abundant ring seals) is an important part of life for the Inuit of Pond Inlet (Inuktitut: Mittimatalik).
Year: 2013
Photographer: Peter Prokosch
Sea ice is simply frozen ocean water. It forms, grows, and melts in the ocean. In contrast, icebergs, glaciers, ice sheets, and ice shelves all originate on land.
Year: 1991
Photographer: Peter Prokosch
Unlike the Arctic, which at its center is an ocean, Antarctica is a landmass that is surrounded by the Southern Ocean.
Year: 2016
Photographer: Peter Prokosch