

Industrial building in Markthal, Rotterdam, Netherlands.

Year: 2018

Photographer: Victor G. (edited by Frameworks)

Agriculture landscape with small villages and forests in Baden Würtemberg, Germany

Year: 2014

Photographer: Peter Prokosch

Bio-geoengineering to increase crop albedo

Surface albedo has a significant impact on global climate (Zhang et al. 2022). Plants play an important role in this. Matthews et al. (2003), for example, estimate that the spread of agriculture has led to a global cooling of around 0.17°C, as agricultural crops tend to have a higher albedo than wild vegetation (Monteith and Unsworth 1990).

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High Arctic Tundra, Northern Taymyr, Russia July 1990

Within the former German-Soviet Environmental Agreement in the years 1989-1991 3 biological expeditions to the Taymyr peninsula in northernmost Siberia were performed.

Year: 1990

Photographer: Peter Prokosch

Methane flaring (not industrial)

Apart from proposals to destroy atmospheric methane or capturing it, some have suggested it could be possible to prevent methane from reaching the atmosphere or flaring it.

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Sunset Nuuk, Greenlad

Year: 2022

Photographer: Olivia Rempel

Atmospheric methane removal: Solar chimney and photocatalytic semiconductor technology

One of the main issues with methane removal is that atmospheric methane concentrations are very low. This means that very large volumes of air, and related energy demands, are required, making the use of ventilators like those used for DACCS (see direct air capture) more complicated (Nisbet-Jones et al. 2021).

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Taymyr Coastline

The Taymyr Autonomous Area occupies 800,000 sq km, an area the size of England, France and the Netherlands combined.

Year: 2015

Photographer: Peter Prokosch

Enhanced weathering (on land)

Enhanced weathering (EW) is a measure that seeks to enhance and speed up the process of rock weathering in which CO2 reacts with minerals (Schuiling and Krijgsman 2006) that naturally occurs and already consumes 1.1 Gt CO2 per year (Ciais et al. 2014).

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Tree plantation in Canada

Sustainable forest management involves the maintenance and enhancement of forest environments, ensuring longevity of forest ecosystems while allowing the best possible environmental, economic, social and cultural opportunities now and into the future. In Canada, the world’s largest exporter of forest products, harvest rates and strict jurisdictions are set to ensure long term ecosystem sustainability, protecting soil and water resources and 55% of all energy used by the forestry sector is renewable bio-energy.

Year: 2014

Photographer: Lawrence Hislop

Bio-energy with carbon storage BECCS

Bio-Energy with Carbon Storage (BECCS) offers a nature-based way to remove CO2 from the atmosphere by consuming biomaterial and removing the remaining carbon residues from the carbon cycle.

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