
Here you can find media articles related to climate interventions.


Geoengineer the Planet?

Could Canada lead the formation of a new global geoengineering regime?

Developing a National Strategy for Climate Engineering Research in Canada

The pollution paradox: How cleaning up smog drives ocean warming

Geoengineering in the Canadian Arctic: Governance Challenges

How air pollution delayed a surge in extreme rain

As ‘Doomsday’ Glacier Melts, Can an Artificial Barrier Save It?

Sun block: The promise and peril of solar geoengineering

Geoengineering gains momentum, but governance is lacking, critics say

Pollution Paradox: How Cleaning Up Smog Drives Ocean Warming

Scientists Are Trying to Coax the Ocean to Absorb More CO2

Don’t even study it: Geoengineering research hits societal roadblocks

Report ranks 60+ ideas, including geoengineering, to save the Arctic

This simple farming technique can capture carbon for thousands of years

Will we be ready? Geoengineering policy lags far behind pace of climate change

Cloud brightening over oceans may stave off climate change, but with risk

Her er de ville ideene som kan redde klimaet

Switzerland calls on UN to explore possibility of solar geoengineering

Some scientists say blocking the sun could slow climate change — just like on The Simpsons

Pumped up: will a Dutch startup’s plan to restore Arctic sea-ice work?