Geoengineering in the Canadian Arctic: Governance Challenges
08 January 2021, Jill Barclay ,
To explore the impacts of the potential deployment of Solar Radiation Management (SRM), a form of geoengineering, in the Canadian Arctic.08 January 2021, Jill Barclay ,
To explore the impacts of the potential deployment of Solar Radiation Management (SRM), a form of geoengineering, in the Canadian Arctic.29 May 2019, Fred Pearce,
Human intervention with the climate system has long been viewed as an ill-advised and risky step to slow global warming. But with carbon emissions soaring, initiatives to study and develop geoengineering technologies are gaining traction as a potential last resort.02 November 2017, A. Neil Craik,
Climate engineering (CE) is increasingly becoming an area of broad public policy interest within international and domestic climate policy discussions. In addition to receiving greater attention within regulatory contexts, there is a gradual shift toward greater support for nationally supported research programs on CE technologies and assessments. Despite the increased salience of CE, the issue has been largely absent from the Canadian public policy agenda. This paper argues that a national strategy for CE research ought to be developed as part of Canada’s broader climate strategy. At the centre of this strategy must be a commitment to ensuring a high level of public trust in the underlying science and a policy process that is open and responsive to public views.08 January 2021, Jill Barclay ,
29 May 2019, Fred Pearce,
02 November 2017, A. Neil Craik,