Ocean Alkalinity enhancement
Carbon uptake in the ocean mainly occurs directly through ocean-atmosphere interaction or through weathering processes. Due to this uptake of carbon, the oceans turn more acidic overtime, and since the start of the industrial revolution oceans have become 30% more acidic. This has all sorts of effects as it, for example, impacts marine biochemistry, and prevents certain organisms from successfully growing.
Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement (OAE) seeks to counter the acidification of the oceans and enhance their Ph by introducing alkalinity (Renforth and Henderson 2017). This would serve to restore the oceans to a previous state, and it could also increase the future carbon uptake potential of the ocean. Although most attention has been paid to enhanced weathering on land (NASEM 2022), OAE is increasingly being considered as one of the main potential ocean based CDR methods. There are different potential OAE techniques, with GESAMP (2019) listing the following: Adding lime directly to the ocean, Adding carbonate minerals to the ocean, Accelerated weathering of limestone, Electrochemical enhancement of carbonate and silicate mineral weathering, Brine thermal decomposition of desalination reject brine, Open ocean dissolution of olivine, Coastal spreading of olivine, and Enhanced weathering of mine waste.
Analysis overview
Technological Readiness Level (TRL)
Low 1
Technological Readiness Level (TRL)
A technology with a TRL of 1-3: TRL 1 – Basic; TRL 2 – Concept formulated; TRL 3 – Experimental proof of concept
Medium 2
Physically somewhat scalable; linear efficiency
Timeliness for near-future effects
Medium 2
Timeliness for near-future effects
Implemented in time to make some difference, although questionable
Northern + Arctic potential
High 3
Northern + Arctic potential
Very detectable impacts in the Arctic, above the global average; technology ideally/preferably located here
Global potential
High 3
Global potential
Major impacts detected
Cost - benefit
Medium 2
Cost - benefit
Significant investment costs needed, but still much cheaper than the avoided damage costs (e.g., 30%).
Environmental risks
Medium 2
Environmental risks
More widespread and possibly regional impacts that extend beyond the immediate solution deployment location
Community impacts
Unknown 0
Ease of reversibility
Easy 3
Ease of reversibility
Easily reversible naturally
Risk of termination shock
Medium 2
Risk of termination shock
Medium or relatively significant termination shock or damage
Medium 2
Fits within existing structures to a certain degree, but some policy changes are needed to deploy at scale
Scientific/media attention
Medium 2
There has been substantial interest in marine and land-based enhanced weathering as a CDR measure (NASEM, 2022). Some research projects and private companies are already exploring OAE, but many issues still remain open and research would have to be expanded significantly (GESAMP, 2019; NASEM, 2022).
Recently, a protest in the UK against Planetary Technologies plan to add magnesium hydroxide to wastewater gained media attention (www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/apr/17/protesters-urge-caution-over-st-ives-climate-trial-amid-chemical-plans-for-bay-planetary-technologies).
Scientific/media attention
Some attention within the scientific community, including published research and funding programmes; some media attention; some commercial interest
Bach, L. T., Gill, S. J., Rickaby, R. E., Gore, S., & Renforth, P. (2019). CO2 removal with enhanced weathering and ocean alkalinity enhancement: potential risks and co-benefits for marine pelagic ecosystems. Frontiers in Climate, 1, 7. https://doi.org/10.3389/fclim.2019.00007
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Renforth, P., & Henderson, G. (2017). Assessing ocean alkalinity for carbon sequestration. Reviews of Geophysics, 55(3), 636-674. https://doi.org/10.1002/2016RG000533
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Wang, H., Pilcher, D. J., Kearney, K. A., Cross, J. N., Shugart, O. M., Eisaman, M. D., & Carter, B. R. (2023). Simulated impact of ocean alkalinity enhancement on atmospheric CO2 removal in the Bering Sea. Earth's Future, 11(1), e2022EF002816. https://doi.org/10.1029/2022EF002816